India and Maldives Chart a New Course for Cooperation, Emphasizing Development and Security

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Male’ – In a carefully crafted address delivered in the Maldives, India’s External Affairs Minister, Mr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, laid out an ambitious blueprint for the future of Indo-Maldivian relations, signaling a commitment to deepen ties across a spectrum of areas. The speech, which spanned a range of topics from development cooperation to regional security, underscored India’s strategic priorities and its vision for a collaborative future with this island nation. The Minister’s remarks were replete with diplomatic nuances, reflecting India’s broader foreign policy goals while reaffirming its dedication to the ‘Neighborhood First’ policy.

The Significance of the Visit

In his opening remarks, Mr. Jaishankar expressed his delight at visiting the Maldives since the Government of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu assumed office in November 2023. This initial statement set the tone for a visit that aims to fortify diplomatic ties under new leadership. By highlighting the “aspirational blueprint” for a multifaceted partnership, Mr. Jaishankar positioned India as a proactive ally in the Maldives’ development journey. His use of the term “aspirational” suggests a forward-looking approach, paving the way for more ambitious joint projects and collaborations.

The Minister’s emphasis on this visit being an “opportunity to take stock” suggests a strategic assessment of the past while preparing for future engagements. This reflects a nuanced understanding of the evolving political landscape in the Maldives, particularly under a new government. It signifies India’s interest in aligning its diplomatic efforts with the Maldives’ evolving national agenda, ensuring that the partnership remains relevant and impactful.

“India’s development cooperation paradigm is that India’s own development is inseparable from that of the rest of the world, particularly the neighborhood. Naturally, development cooperation has emerged as a key pillar of our partnership with the Maldives.”

Neighborhood First Policy: A Strategic Priority

Central to the speech was the reiteration of India’s ‘Neighborhood First’ policy, with the Maldives being described as a “cornerstone” of this strategy. This statement not only highlights the Maldives’ geographic and strategic importance but also reinforces India’s commitment to its neighboring nations. Mr. Jaishankar’s invocation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s words underscores the Maldives as a priority, hinting at a continuity of diplomatic focus and resource allocation.

The articulation of Maldives as a priority within India’s Vision SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in the Region) initiative further underscores its pivotal role in India’s maritime security strategy. This explicit mention serves to reassure Maldivian leadership of India’s unwavering support in the face of regional challenges, particularly in the Indo-Pacific theater, where strategic waterways are increasingly contested.

“I reiterated India’s consistent and continued support to the Maldives in its quest for progress and prosperity.”

Partnership for Mutual Welfare and Development

Throughout his speech, Mr. Jaishankar emphasized the bilateral partnership’s tangible benefits, citing projects that directly impact the daily lives of Maldivian citizens. The Minister’s references to various initiatives—such as the Mental Health unit, Speech Therapy unit, and street lighting projects—illustrate a commitment to addressing grassroots issues. This approach reflects India’s soft power strategy, where development diplomacy fosters goodwill and enhances India’s image as a benevolent partner.

The enumeration of these projects serves a dual purpose: showcasing India’s contributions to Maldivian society while implicitly countering narratives of external influences, particularly from China’s Belt and Road Initiative. The focus on “everyday life of a common citizen” positions India as a partner that prioritizes human-centric development over grand infrastructure projects, appealing to both the government and the populace.

“As neighbors, we face common challenges and have a shared interest in maintaining peace and security in the region.”

Economic and Security Collaborations: A Holistic Approach

Mr. Jaishankar’s itinerary, which includes meetings with ministers of Economic Development, Finance, and Defense, highlights a comprehensive engagement strategy. His planned discussions on enhancing trade and economic cooperation signify an intention to tap into the “greater potential” for economic integration. This economic discourse aligns with India’s broader strategy of promoting regional connectivity and economic interdependence as a counterbalance to global economic volatility.

“To Maldives specifically, we have provided support to deal with economic challenges through financial assistance and budgetary support, and by ensuring the uninterrupted supply of critical items. Our actions have and will continue to be guided by our firm commitment in the philosophy of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas – which is- Together, we prosper.”

The Minister’s focus on defense and security cooperation addresses shared regional challenges, particularly concerning the vast Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of both nations. By acknowledging these common interests, Mr. Jaishankar underscores the importance of a united front in ensuring maritime security and stability. This alignment signals a commitment to collaborative security efforts, reinforcing India’s role as a reliable security partner in the region.

“Let us appreciate that our partnership makes a difference to the everyday life of a common citizen here.”

A Call for Strengthened Bilateral Ties

In a gesture of diplomatic courtesy, Mr. Jaishankar expressed gratitude to President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu for the opportunity to engage in discussions aimed at enhancing the “special partnership” between the two countries. The Foreign Minister’s recollection of their meeting during the oath-taking ceremony of Prime Minister Modi’s third term hints at a personal rapport, which may facilitate smoother diplomatic engagements.

The speech also delves into various aspects of bilateral ties, with Mr. Jaishankar reiterating India’s steadfast support for the Maldives’ quest for progress. This statement serves as an assurance of India’s commitment to assist the Maldives in its developmental aspirations, reinforcing the perception of India as a trusted ally invested in the nation’s prosperity.

“It is a partnership that has enabled us to always swiftly and effectively respond to challenges, as witnessed in the past. It is a partnership that has enabled us to deliver results and bring tangible benefits to our peoples in accordance with their wishes, aspirations and priorities.”

Development Cooperation: A Pillar of Partnership

A significant portion of the speech focused on India’s development cooperation paradigm, emphasizing that India’s development is “inseparable” from that of its neighbors. This assertion reflects India’s self-perception as a regional leader committed to mutual growth. The Minister’s emphasis on development as a key pillar of the partnership underscores India’s strategy of fostering sustainable development through capacity-building initiatives and infrastructure projects.

The forthcoming showcases of partnership results, including High Impact Community Development Projects and Water and Sewerage Projects across 28 islands, exemplify India’s approach to supporting the Maldives’ infrastructure and economic resilience. The reference to projects “Imagined by Maldives, Delivered by India” reinforces India’s respect for Maldivian sovereignty while highlighting its role as an enabler of local development visions.

“Today, we are mutually invested in each other’s development and progress. In a globalized and interconnected world, we see a lot of volatility and global tensions. Even as the world is recovering from the impact of the COVID pandemic, we have been confronted with new challenges arising from international conflicts.”

Human Resource Development: Building Bridges

Mr. Jaishankar’s focus on human resource development initiatives, such as the renewal of the MoU between India’s National Centre for Good Governance and the Maldives Civil Service Commission, underscores India’s commitment to empowering Maldivian professionals. This emphasis on capacity building reflects a long-term vision for partnership, where human capital development plays a pivotal role in strengthening bilateral ties.

The additional 1,000 training slots for Maldives’ civil servants signify India’s willingness to invest in the professional growth of Maldivian citizens, fostering a skilled workforce that can contribute to the nation’s progress. This aspect of the partnership highlights India’s role as a mentor and collaborator in the Maldives’ development journey.

Digital Revolution: A Catalyst for Economic Growth

In a nod to technological advancement, Mr. Jaishankar highlighted India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) as a transformative force in digital transactions. The signing of the MoU to introduce UPI in the Maldives marks a significant step towards financial inclusion and technological integration. This move aligns with India’s vision of a digitally connected region, where technology serves as a bridge to economic growth and prosperity. By facilitating seamless transactions, India aims to enhance the tourism experience for Indian visitors in the Maldives, contributing to the nation’s economic prosperity and efforts of increasing visitors from the India market.

A Message of Stability and Cooperation

Concluding his speech, Mr. Jaishankar emphasized the interconnectedness of India and the Maldives as “natural partners” in a volatile global landscape. This statement reinforces the notion of shared destinies and mutual investments in each other’s progress. By acknowledging the challenges posed by global tensions and conflicts, the Minister positions India as a stable anchor for its neighbors, offering support through financial assistance and critical supplies.

The reference to the philosophy of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas” (Together, we prosper) encapsulates India’s commitment to inclusive growth and development. This mantra serves as a guiding principle for India’s foreign policy, emphasizing collaboration and solidarity in the face of adversity.

“Maldives is one of the cornerstones of our ‘Neighborhood First’ policy; it is also one of our Vision SAGAR, as well as of our commitment to the Global South.”

The Voice of the Global South

Mr. Jaishankar’s speech also touched upon India’s role in amplifying the voice of the Global South, a theme prominently featured during India’s G-20 Presidency. The announcement of the upcoming 3rd Voice of the Global South Summit underscores India’s dedication to fostering dialogue and cooperation among developing nations.

A Vision for the Future

As the External Affairs Minister concluded his address, he expressed satisfaction in witnessing the tangible outcomes of the Indo-Maldivian partnership. His optimistic outlook for the remainder of the visit reflects a commitment to laying the foundation for “bigger and better things” in the future. This forward-looking approach encapsulates India’s strategic vision of fostering enduring partnerships that transcend immediate challenges and contribute to regional stability and prosperity.

In essence, Mr. Jaishankar’s speech in the Maldives not only reaffirms India’s commitment to its neighbor but also serves as a testament to the enduring strength of diplomatic ties. By weaving together themes of development, security, and cooperation, the External Affairs Minister’s address paints a compelling picture of a partnership poised to thrive in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape. As India continues to navigate the complexities of international relations, its engagement with the Maldives remains a cornerstone of its foreign policy strategy, promising mutual growth and shared success.

“This visit is an opportunity to take stock of what our countries have achieved together as well as to chart out an aspirational blueprint for the coming years of what we are confident will be a truly multifaceted partnership.”