Modi’s Third Term: Maldives Leaders Tweet Their Congratulations

1 min read

In a resounding victory, Narendra Modi secured his third consecutive term as India’s Prime Minister in the 2024 General Election. The news rippled across the Indian Ocean to the Maldives, where leaders took to Twitter to offer their congratulations—each message a diplomatic dance of words.

President Muizzu was first to tweet: “Congratulations to Prime Minister @narendramodi, and the BJP and BJP-led NDA, on the success in the 2024 Indian General Election, for the third consecutive term. I look forward to working together to advance our shared interests in pursuit of shared prosperity and stability for our two countries.” Short and sweet, yet warm—classic diplomacy in 40 words.

Next up, Speaker Abdul Raheem: “… The mandate given by the Indian people to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a third successive term is truly historic. As one of India’s closest neighbors, Maldives is always eager to strengthen the ties between our two nations. We look forward to further collaboration and cooperation in the coming years.” At 66 words, Raheem’s enthusiasm is palpable.

Former Foreign Minister Shahid, known for his pro-India stance, matched Raheem’s wordiness: “… Under your leadership, #India has significantly improved its relationship with #Maldives and the region. I am confident you will build on these successes towards greater cooperation. I also commend the people and institutions of India for their resilience and commitment to democracy, as the world’s largest democratic exercise draws to a close.”

Vice President Mohammed Hussain “Sembe” kept it brief: “Congratulations to Prime Minister @narendramodi and @BJP4India on your victory in the elections. I look forward to strengthening and enhancing the relationship and co-operation between our nations under your esteemed leadership.” At 33 words, its protocol meets brevity—a vice-presidential style.

Even former President Nasheed chimed in: “… I have no doubt this will be another term of warm and great Maldives India friendship.” Short, sweet, and very Nasheed—just 29 words.

But some remained silent. Former President Gayoom’s Twitter? Crickets. And former President Waheed? His last original tweet was on May 28th. Since June 1st, only retweets—a telling silence in the Twitterverse.

It’s fascinating how much diplomacy fits into 280 characters. Raheem’s wordy wishes versus Sembe’s succinct congratulations—each reflects their style. But reading between the lines (or tweets), there’s a common thread: a desire for stronger India-Maldives ties.

In the grand chessboard of international relations, these tweets are more than niceties. They’re calculated moves, signaling intentions, alliances, and aspirations. As Modi begins his third term, the Maldives leaders’ tweets—whether long-winded or laconic—all point to one goal: a robust partnership with India.

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