New Direct Shipping Route from India Promises Big Savings for Addu City

1 min read

Addu City, Maldives — In a landmark development poised to transform the logistics landscape for Addu City, Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) has inaugurated a direct shipping route from Tuticorin Port in India to Hithadhoo Port. This initiative is set to significantly reduce the cost and complexity of importing goods, particularly perishables, into the southern atolls.

The inaugural ship arrived at Hithadhoo Port late yesterday, marking the beginning of a new era in logistics for the region. Unlike the small wooden vessels that previously plied this route sporadically and only in favorable weather, the new service employs large steel ships capable of operating year-round.

“This initiative is a game-changer for Addu City,” said MPL CEO Mohammed Wajeeh, speaking to TruthMv. “Large steel ships are used to conduct these sailings sustainably, ensuring a reliable and cost-effective supply chain for the region.”

Wajeeh has been proactive in engaging with local stakeholders, holding meetings with the city council, businessmen, and other key figures to discuss the benefits and logistics of this new route. He assured the business community that MPL is committed to supporting their efforts and enhancing the region’s economic landscape.

“We are intermediaries aiming to increase the number of ships docking at Hithadhoo Port,” Wajeeh explained. “An increase in traffic will not only boost our port’s revenue but also create a more robust and dynamic business environment in Addu.”

Since assuming leadership of MPL, Wajeeh has been instrumental in driving forward various initiatives to enhance port operations and logistics handling. He has overseen significant upgrades to Male’ Port, including new equipment and vehicular fleets to streamline operations. His vision extends to developing other ports under MPL’s control, turning them into revenue-generating hubs through ambitious projects.

The development of Hithadhoo Port aligns with President Mohammed Muizzu’s policy of diversifying Addu’s economy. Local business owners have praised Wajeeh’s leadership and the positive direction in which the city port is headed.

In a previous interview with TruthMV during a maritime conference four months ago, Wajeeh highlighted MPL’s achievements under his tenure. He noted an increase in the daily servicing capacity at the Port of Malé from 2,500 to 3,500 containers, eliminating chronic delays in cargo clearance.

“We are a nation surrounded by sea,” Wajeeh stated. “The potential is there to be unlocked, and we are committed to realizing it.”

With the direct shipping route now operational, Addu City stands to benefit from reduced logistics costs, improved supply chain reliability, and a boost in economic activity. MPL’s initiative promises to unlock the region’s potential and foster a new era of growth and prosperity for southern atolls.