President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu Wraps Up Successful State Visit to China

1 min read

In a significant diplomatic stride, H.E. President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu and First Lady Sajidha Mohamed concluded their state visit to the People’s Republic of China, a voyage extended as an invitation from Chinese President H.E. Xi Jinping.

The visit provided a platform for President Dr. Muizzu to articulate his government’s vision for the Maldives. Speaking at the Invest Maldives Forum, held in Fujian, he underscored the importance of engagement, partnership building, and focused delivery in the nation’s development. Emphasizing China’s pivotal role as one of the Maldives’s closest allies and developmental partners, the President reiterated the significance of his maiden state visit.

Upon their arrival in Beijing, the distinguished guests were received with a Guard of Honour—a ceremonial reception marking the first state visit undertaken by President Dr. Muizzu to a foreign nation since assuming office in November of the previous year.

The formalities continued with an official welcome ceremony on Wednesday, presided over by President Xi Jinping and China’s First Lady, Madam Peng Liyuan. This marked the beginning of a series of engagements aimed at strengthening the bilateral ties between the Maldives and China.

A pivotal aspect of the state visit involved President Dr. Muizzu and President Xi Jinping leading official talks between their respective governments. The fruitful discussions culminated in the signing of twenty key agreements, further solidifying the collaborative relationship between the two nations. Later in the day, a state banquet hosted by the Chinese President and First Lady honored the visiting Maldivian President and First Lady.

Beyond official engagements, President Dr. Muizzu and First Lady Sajidha Mohamed actively engaged with various establishments, fostering cultural, economic, and political relations. A notable highlight was a meeting with the Maldivian community in Beijing, reinforcing the strong bonds that connect the diaspora with their homeland.

Accompanied by a delegation of senior government officials, the state visit marked a crucial chapter in diplomatic relations, strengthening ties and fostering mutual cooperation between the Maldives and China.

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