President Establishes National Cyber Security Agency


President Dr. Mohammed Muizzu has created a new government agency focused on cyber security, President’s Office announced yesterday.

Under Article 116 of the Constitution, which grants the President authority over executive agencies, Dr. Muizzu has established the National Cyber Security Agency. It will operate under the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology.

The agency’s mandate is to serve as the national focal point overseeing all matters related to cyber security for the state and the people of Maldives. Its responsibilities include:

  • Setting norms and standards for cyber security practices in Maldives
  • Assisting public institutions in enhancing their cyber defense capabilities
  • Working at the national level to procure cyber security tools and resources to bolster Maldives’ capabilities

According to the President’s Office, the new agency is intended to act as a centralized authority to safeguard the nation against emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

“Protecting our digital infrastructure and online spaces from malicious actors is a paramount priority,” President’s directive said in a statement. “The National Cyber Security Agency will play a vital role in fortifying our cyber defenses and security posture.”

The agency is expected to work closely with other government bodies as well as private sector partners in carrying out its cyber security mission.

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