President Solih Urges MDP Action Amidst Alleged Government Inertia and Diplomatic Strains

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Former President Ibrahim Mohammed Solih has said that MDP members and other citizens cannot stand by and ignore the scene when irepareble damages are unfoliding in broad daylight.

For the first time since the end of his term in office, Solih, speaking at MDP rally, said the MDP gave the government time because it was elected by the people. “I thoght we should give it some more time,” he said, as it was a government choosen by the people.

Former President Ibrahim Mohammed Solih has said that MDP members and other citizens cannot stand idle and ignore what is happening.

In a comprehensive address, former President Ibrahim Mohammed Solih outlined several compelling reasons for the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) to reassert its role in holding the current government accountable.

A primary concern voiced by Solih is the perceived halt in numerous initiatives initiated by the MDP government across various regions of the country. He asserted that a substantial portion, approximately 70 to 80 percent, of these projects has been abruptly halted under the present administration.

“The people will not merely be spectators. We, the MDP, will not stand idly by either. The MDP holds the paramount responsibility for holding the government accountable,” emphasized Solih.

Calling upon the government to discharge its responsibilities judiciously, he warned of potential dire consequences if the MDP fails to fulfill its oversight role, cautioning that Maldives could face significant challenges.

Solih further pointed to the alleged deterioration in Maldives’ foreign relations, particularly with neighboring India, as another adverse consequence faced by the government. He contended that not only is national security compromised, but infrastructural challenges and diplomatic strains are also becoming apparent.

Criticizing the government for delays in the handover of land and flats under the Binveriyaa scheme initiated during the last days of his presidency, Solih proposed a potential solution. He suggested that electing Azim as mayor could potentially address the protracted issue of delayed property transfers.

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