Ruling Progressive Congress Coalition Faces Setbacks as Primary Postponed Again Amidst Controversies

With the parliamentary elections already scheduled for March 17, the internal challenges within the PNC demand swift resolution to ensure a smooth electoral process.

The Progressive Congress Coalition is grappling with challenges as it announces the second postponement of its primary election. Originally slated for December, the primary had already been rescheduled to the 20th of this month. The coalition had previously attributed the delay to the coinciding school holiday and a significant number of individuals traveling abroad for various reasons, including Umrah pilgrimages.

However, the PNC has not provided specific reasons for this subsequent delay, leaving candidates contesting in the primary disgruntled. Many candidates have voiced concerns, particularly regarding issues surrounding the voters list.

Tonight, the PNC released the voter list for the primary, making it accessible through the party’s official website. In response to potential discrepancies, the coalition issued a statement urging individuals to inform the party in writing about any issues with the list. The party has set a deadline for complaint submissions, with acceptance until 6 pm on Thursday, January 18th.

With the parliamentary elections already scheduled for March 17, the internal challenges within the PNC demand swift resolution to ensure a smooth electoral process.