Russian Ambassador Rebukes Former President Over Ukraine Comments

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COLOMBO, Sri Lanka – In a sharply worded commentary, Russian Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, Levan Dzhagaryan, criticized former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom over his remarks on the Ukraine conflict. Dzhagaryan’s response, which was posted online, suggested that Gayoom’s understanding of the situation was simplistic and influenced by Western narratives.

“The Embassy paid attention to the recent unacceptable tweet by the former President of Maldives Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom,” Dzhagaryan wrote, marking a rare direct confrontation from a Russian diplomat toward a senior Maldivian figure. He urged Gayoom to educate himself on the reasons behind Russia’s military actions, citing the “NATO intensively approaching the Russian frontiers and neo-Nazi nature of the Kiev regime” as key factors driving Moscow’s decisions.

Dzhagaryan, defending Russia’s position, pointed to the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine, specifically the Donbas region, where he claimed, “barbarian actions by Zelensky administration lead to numerous victims among the civic population of Donbass.” Expressing dismay, he added, “One should wonder why Mr. Gayoom is not bothered by these issues.”

In his commentary, the ambassador highlighted that Russia had been close to achieving a peaceful settlement with Ukraine during negotiations in Istanbul in March 2022. However, he blamed the United States and the United Kingdom for allegedly disrupting these talks, claiming that Western interference had pushed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to continue the war. “In total it is four times that our country came forward with peaceful initiatives,” Dzhagaryan stated, referencing Russia’s most recent proposal, which he said was put forth by President Vladimir Putin in June.

The ambassador went on to accuse Gayoom of adopting “double standards” typical of Western policies, criticizing the former leader for not addressing what Dzhagaryan called the UN Security Council’s failure to end the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza. “The ex-politician had better express his indignation with the UN Security Council inability to put an end to the Palestinian people sufferings in the Gaza Strip ‘thanks’ to one country negative stance,” Dzhagaryan remarked, in a clear reference to the United States’ support of Israel.

In stark contrast to Gayoom’s comments, Dzhagaryan praised the current Maldivian administration, lauding its “principled position” on the Palestinian issue and its humanitarian efforts. “In contrast to Mr. Gayoom’s doubtful approach, we highly appreciate the principled position of the current government of Maldives on the Palestinian issue and its humanitarian efforts,” he noted, signaling Moscow’s approval of the stance taken by Dr. Muizzu administration.

Gayoom’s tweet, which sparked this diplomatic response, has stirred discussion among Maldivians online, with some expressing the importance of maintaining good relations with Russia, particularly given the country’s significant role in Maldivian tourism. “… we on the Russian side of things, do not be confused. We want tourism money from them,” one commenter wrote, reflecting a view held by those who prioritize economic stability over political alignment.

Representatives for Maumoon Abdul Gayoom have yet to respond to Dzhagaryan’s commentary.

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