The Discreet Allure of Maldives’ E-Cigarette Dens

From the street, it has the polished look of a trendy cafe. The glass is frosted, and beside an unnoticeable sign is one declaring, discernibly: “Only for 18 and Above.” People park their motorbikes outside, ducking in and out with unmistakable haste — a familiar customer base. This is one of more than 18 shops in the Maldives peddling electronic cigarettes. As the world marks World No Tobacco Day, the Maldives is grappling with a stubbornly high rate of smoking that is inflicting a deadly toll on this island nation. One in four Maldivians, or 25.7 percent of the population, … Continue reading The Discreet Allure of Maldives’ E-Cigarette Dens