Transparency Maldives Launches Youth Empowerment Camp Ahead of Elections

Transparency Maldives aims to foster an informed and engaged youth demographic, contributing to a transparent and participatory democratic process.
1 min read

In a proactive initiative, Transparency Maldives gears up for a youth camp ahead of the March 17 elections. Targeting individuals aged 18 to 24, the camp, scheduled from January 25 to 29, focuses on key areas such as anti-corruption measures, climate change, elections, and the right to information.

Participants from HA, HDh, and Shaviyani atolls will engage in information sessions to equip themselves with knowledge on combating corruption, addressing climate issues, and understanding their rights in the electoral process. The camp goes beyond theoretical learning, emphasizing practical skills to enable youths to interact effectively with their communities and discuss pertinent issues.

Transparency Maldives aims to foster an informed and engaged youth demographic, contributing to a transparent and participatory democratic process. This youth camp aligns with the organization’s commitment to building a more accountable and empowered society.